News & Events

Green Hysland wins European H2 Valley of the Year – Nov 2023

Green Hysland wins European H2 Valley of the Year – Nov 2023

The Green Hysland project was selected as one of the three European hydrogen valley projects of 2023 at the sixth edition of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership Awards.

3rd Green Hysland Workshop: Investigating the Potential of Hydrogen Valleys 

3rd Green Hysland Workshop: Investigating the Potential of Hydrogen Valleys 

On 5 October 2023, the Green Hysland project hosted its 3rd workshop, “Setting up Hydrogen Valleys in Europe,” on Vlieland Island in Fryslân, NL. From Vlieland to Europe, this event explored transformative strategies in Hydrogen Valley development engaged through practical insights expert support.

Green Hysland: work has started on the hydrogen pipeline

Green Hysland: work has started on the hydrogen pipeline

Redexis has begun construction of the first hydrogen pipeline in Spain to inject 100% green hydrogen into the natural gas transport network, located on the island of Mallorca, as part of the Green Hysland project.

Iberostar Bahia de Palma set to be the first hotel in the world to consume green hydrogen

Iberostar Bahia de Palma set to be the first hotel in the world to consume green hydrogen

In the frame of the Green Hysland project, Iberostar and Redexis have signed an agreement by which Redexis will install a fuel cell to consume green hydrogen and produce thermal and electrical energy.

EHEC 2024: The Fast Track to the Hydrogen Economy

EHEC 2024: The Fast Track to the Hydrogen Economy

Join us in Bilbao on 6-8 March 2024 for the European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC) – Europe’s conference of reference in the hydrogen sector.

European Hydrogen Week 2023: a focus on the future of energy

European Hydrogen Week 2023: a focus on the future of energy

The fourth edition of the European Hydrogen Week is taking place from 20 to 24 November 2023.

EBRO HYDROGEN CORRIDOR: leading the deployment of the renewable hydrogen value chain in Southern Europe

EBRO HYDROGEN CORRIDOR: leading the deployment of the renewable hydrogen value chain in Southern Europe

Learn all about this pioneering project and its multi-sectoral approach for the decarbonization of Spain’s economy and transport.

Decarbonizing Islands through hydrogen: what challenges and opportunities?

Decarbonizing Islands through hydrogen: what challenges and opportunities?

Join us on the 9 November 2023, for this Green Hysland webinar organised in partnership with the Clean Energy for EU Islands Initiative!

Successful relaunch of the European Hydrogen Observatory

Successful relaunch of the European Hydrogen Observatory

The European Hydrogen Observatory was successfully relaunched on 29 September, during an online event with the participation of speakers from the European Commission, Hydrogen Europe, Clean Hydrogen Partnership, IEA and other Observatory partners.

REGISTER NOW: workshop “Setting up Hydrogen Valleys in Europe: from theory to practice”

REGISTER NOW: workshop “Setting up Hydrogen Valleys in Europe: from theory to practice”

Are you interested in finding out more about Hydrogen Valleys? Would you like to learn and share practical insights for your hydrogen project, by connecting with experts and stakeholders in the field?

Raising awareness about hydrogen buses’ benefits in Palma (ES)

Raising awareness about hydrogen buses’ benefits in Palma (ES)

The Local Transport Company of Palma has participated in about 40 family events, workshops and school activities during the last year, presenting the European pilot project “Green Hysland” and explaining citizens how they can contribute to reducing emissions to the atmosphere through sustainable mobility.

Register now for the Zero Emission Bus Conference 2023

Register now for the Zero Emission Bus Conference 2023

The event will bring together transport operators, policy-makers, manufacturers and industry experts to discuss decarbonisation of the bus sector and aims to provide a complete overview of the considerations for deploying zero emission fleets at scale.