Virtual Island Summit 2021

Virtual Island Summit 2021

Sharing Knowledge For Resilient, Sustainable And Prosperous Islands Worldwide.


Dates: 6-12 September 2021

What Is The Virtual Island Summit?

  • Free access to world-class experts. The Summit will be a free event to attend in order to ensure maximum accessibility to expertise from a variety of fields.
  • A zero carbon conference. The Summit will use modern technology to maximize opportunities for participation and minimize harmful greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Interactive sessions in various formats. The Summit will imitate a traditional in-person event with opportunities to interact with speakers and other attendees with the goal of creating an online community.
  • The SDGs and beyond. The Summit will covers all 17 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in addition to other topics pertinent to island communities.
  • A diverse range of viewpoints. Speakers and attendees from 100+ island communities including the Arctic, Caribbean, Europe, Indian Ocean, Pacific Islands, South America and beyond…
  • Cross-sector collaboration. The Summit will emphasize the need for input and partnerships from across the private, public, academic and NGO sectors.

Join Islanders From Around The World To Share Ideas, Good Practices And Solutions.

  • +10,000 attendees in past VIS
  • +500 islands represented
  • +160 speakers
  • 100% free event

10,000 attendees including policymakers, entrepreneurs, academics and NGO leaders share their expertise on island communities bringing examples of good practices from around the world.