Are you interested in finding out more about Hydrogen Valleys? Would you like to learn and share practical insights for your hydrogen project, by connecting with experts and stakeholders in the field?
On 5th October 2023, the Green Hysland project is organizing its 3rd workshop “Setting up Hydrogen Valleys in Europe: from theory to practice” on the Island of Vlieland, Province of Fryslân (NL).
On 5th October 2023, the Green Hysland project is organizing its 3rd workshop “Setting up Hydrogen Valleys in Europe: from theory to practice” in the Island of Vlieland, Province of Fryslân (NL).
Renewable hydrogen is universally considered an important energy vector in the global efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions, with the potential to decarbonize also hard to abate sectors, bring flexibility to the energy systems, create energy storage opportunities and enhancing sector coupling.
Hydrogen valleys are ecosystems that produce renewable hydrogen at the local level and develop local markets along the full value chain, through integrated infrastructures. Setting up Hydrogen valleys is of paramount importance to produce and utilize clean hydrogen at the local level in several sectors. Yet, these projects still face several challenges in terms of business models, technological readiness, regulatory and social acceptance risks.
The aim of the workshop is to provide theoretical understanding and practical tips on hydrogen valleys and how to set them up. The workshop will showcase successful examples of hydrogen valleys developed in different European countries. It will also provide tailormade support from experts in the field, such as Enercy and the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation (FHa), and create a networking environment for interested stakeholders.