AMETHyST supports the deployment of Alpine green H2 ecosystems for a post-carbon future in the Alps. It reinforces the role of public authorities by increasing their capacity, designing support services to roll out green H2 solutions.

AMETHyST increases the capacity of public authorities, designs support services to deploy green H2 solutions, mainly in touristic areas as flagship project for energy transition, and includes green H2 in local and regional energy strategies and plans.

What to expect from AMETHyST:
6 pilot territories in 5 countries are working together to implement the most appropriate solutions and test the ecosystem models.

What AMETHyST will provide:

  • An Alpine H2 package that includes integrated state of art of technologies, market players and policies;
  • Local Alpine green H2 ecosystem model supported by techno-economic analyses and a decision support system;
  • Support services for local authorities and project developers.

An Alpine green H2 package is developed to help public authorities support concrete H2 projects. Based on the results of the pilot projects, a “Local Alpine green hydrogen ecosystem model” identifies and provides the constituent elements of hydrogens territorial approach, combining production, storage, distribution and uses. Policy recommendations to support green H2 development are elaborated and shared with EUSALP and regional policymakers to reinforce the role of public authorities.

Project outputs will be:

  • Piloting H2 territorial ecosystem
  • Development guideline for local Alpine green hydrogen ecosystem
  • Financial evaluation toolkit for Alpine green H2 ecosystems
  • Policy guidelines to implement local Alpine green hydrogen ecosystems

AMETHyST developed the SkHyline platform’s to share valuable knowledge about the latest green and low-carbon hydrogen initiatives, technologies, and economic models in the Alpine regions.