How to find financing opportunities for clean energy projects on islands? Join the CE4EU Island Marketplace!
There will be an Island Marketplace? Yes! The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat is introducing the Island Marketplace in an online ebent! Join us on September 15 10:30-12:00.
The aim of the Islands Marketplace is to bring together island communities, project developers, technology providers, investors, and financiers to support the implementation of clean energy projects on islands. The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat will facilitate the matchmaking of the interested parties.
Island stakeholders are invited to submit their investment projects. The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat marketplace team will then support islands to get in contact with financial institutions and technology providers to discuss the technology and financing of the project.
The team of experts will first review the project proposal. If the project matches with the investors/technology providers requirements (maturity level, technology, size of the ticket, location, etc.), we will put in direct contact the different parties for a 1:1 conversation. In case the project requires additional work, the secretariat marketplace team offers guidance on how to improve the content of your project.
Please note that for a project be considered in the EU Islands Marketplace, island stakeholders/ project developers have to provide as much information as possible, in a way that it is clearly understandable and analysable by the secretariat team, as well as by the investors and technology providers. The type of information required is the following:
Through the EU Islands Marketplace: